_______________________________________________________________ | | Mariani vs. Bush Federal Lawsuit | http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/mariani/ | | | MARIANI VS. BUSH, filed for 3055 people murdered on 911 | By Mark R. Elsis | as forwarded on several mailinglists Saturday November 29, | 2003 | | | I wrote the 911Timeline.net [ http://911Timeline.net/ ] and | StandDown.net [ http://StandDown.net/ ] for historical and | legal reasons. Let us get behind this Federal Lawsuit | brought by Ellen Mariani, for her husband Louis Neil | Mariani, and the other 3055 people who were murdered on 911. | | | Federal Lawsuit: | | Ellen Mariani (911 Widow) vs. Bush | [ http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/mariani/marianivsbush.pdf | PDF ] | [ http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/mariani/marianivsbush.html | HTML ] | | | The "Summary of Facts" will set the foundation to support | Plaintiff Counts as set forth herein. However, a complete | highly researched timelines of "911" by American Citizen | Mark R. Elsis ( http://911Timeline.net/ and | http://StandDown.net/ ) who has agreed to testify to his | research on behalf of Plaintiff, and believed to be one of | the "most comprehensive minute by minute accounts of the | events of "911". | | | Source: http://911Timeline.net/MarianivsBush.htm | | | (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this | material is distributed without profit to those who have | expressed a prior interest in receiving the included | information for research and educational purposes.) | | | Additional reading: | | New Seismic Data Refutes Official WTC Explanation | http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/ | | An interesting day: George Bush Jr. on 9/11 | http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/aninterestingday/ | | Why don't we have answers to these 9/11 questions? | http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/williambunch/ | | Resources | http://propaganda.lege.net/resources/ | | 911Timeline.net | http://911Timeline.net/ | | StandDown.net | http://StandDown.net/ | |______________________________________________________________